What Are The Symptoms Of Suspension Failure?
Suspension problems are very common in automobiles but very difficult to diagnose. Usually, it will be easy to tell what the symptoms are, but finding the exact cause of the problem won’t be that easy.
It can be anything from faulty shocks, springs, struts, rods,or joint ball, which is leading to the suspension problems making your vehicle unsafe to drive. No matter what, you should pay attention to your vehicle issues and fix them as soon as they arise to avoid any accidents.Some of the common symptoms of suspension problems are discussed below.
This is a common sign of suspension problem and is one of the hardest issues to find out without the help of an expert. Make sure that your tires are aligned correctly, as poor alignment can lead to uneven tire wear, pulling to left or right sides, and decreased mileage.
Rough rides are a silent indicator of worn-out shocks and struts. If your car bounces on each bump on the road, this hints that the vehicle has suspension problems.
You can try the bounce test to make sure that the suspension needs maintenance. For that, park your car and put all your weight on the front of the car. If it bounces back and forth more than three times, then you can be sure that the struts and shocks need replacement.
Park your car on level ground, and see if one corner sits lower than the others do. If it is so, then your car might have a damaged spring on the lower side. You may hear clunking noise while going over bumps and will find cornering difficult, as damaged spring will not be able to support the weight of the vehicle properly.
If you find that steering your car is especially difficult when moving slowly, there might be problems with the suspension. You may also feel that the steering is slipping away while turning your vehicle, which is usually caused due to issues in the steering assembly.
These are some of the basic symptoms of car suspension problems. If you feel that your car has any of the above-discussed issues, get your ride checked by an auto repair expert as soon as possible.