Essential Checklist For Off Road Vehicle Maintenance
One of the most important things no off-road vehicle owner should ever miss is the timely maintenance of the vehicle. Off-road vehicles are designed to be used on extreme road conditions and terrains ranging from mountains to swamps. Due to this, the off road parts and components of the vehicle are subject to intense stress than normal vehicles, which will result in severe damages if not maintained properly.
Furthermore, effective spreading of these maintenance procedures to all the vital parts of the vehicle requires a checklist of essential things to consider. This safety checklist will give the necessary information on maintenance across the components of the vehicle. The following is a general checklist to consider for maintaining an off-road vehicle.
Long rides, especially in difficult terrain, can damage some of the major off road parts of the wheel and axle. The axle nuts and bearings can be loosened due to the periodic bumps of off road riding. These components need periodic tightening and inspection to ensure that they are working properly.
Tire pressure may get lowered and this can severely impact the performance and handling of the vehicle. It can also cause the tires to develop uneven wear and can shorten the tire life and mileage. Regularly inspect the tires and keep them at the recommended air pressure. In addition, look for any signs of punctures and leaks on the tire surface.
Always ensure that the oil in the engine is at the recommended levels. Accurate readings of the oil levels can be taken after turning the engine on for a few minutes but make sure that you are checking the levels when the engine is cold.
Air filter is another part that needs periodic inspection to ensure that it is clean and free of any blocks. The spark plugs, on the other hand, require tightening and cleaning periodically. Replace them after they have reached their lifetime.
The drive chain needs frequent lubrication for smooth power delivery to the wheel and for preventing corrosion and rust from accumulated dirt and water. In addition, the chain also needs proper adjustment to ensure that it is at the right tension. The drive shaft also needs a proper inspection for any leaks and lubricant levels. The handlebars and the entire steering column require tightening and greasing at its vital areas.