Tips To Make The Most Of Your Car Air Conditioner
The components of a car air conditioner consist of an evaporator, compressor, hoses, and belts. All of these components are prone to wear and tear, which means that you should regularly conduct inspection on the air conditioner of your car by hiring auto repair Huntington Beach experts. Regular inspection will help you to ensure that all the components of air conditioner system are in good working condition.
If there happens to be any wear and tear on any of the air conditioner components, then the professional auto repair technicians will replace the parts in order to make the air conditioner run smoothly. You should also ask the auto repair technician to inspect the compressor drive belt and check for damages such as cracks or bubbles.
The car repair technicians will also check the refrigerant fluid level and refill it, if necessary. Make sure to run the air conditioner for at least 10 minutes every month, as it will help you to maintain the coolant pressure, which in turn will help to prevent the seals and hoses failure.
Car Air Conditioner Maintenance
The air conditioning system of your car works just like your refrigerator at home. It cools the air with a refrigerant gas and then circulates it throughout your vehicle. Below are a few tips that will help you to get the most from your car air conditioner.
Keep your Windows Closed
If you are going out on your car on a hot day, then you might be a little bit tempted to open the windows of your car for an extra blast of cool air. However, if you open the car windows while your air conditioner is on, then you are wasting coolant and fuel.
Recharge Regularly
The coolant that is used by the air conditioning system of your car should be topped up or recharged regularly. If the level of the coolant drops down, then you will need to drain and replenish it. So, make sure to regularly recharge the coolant.
Keep the Air Conditioner Clean
Liquid and dust may accumulate in the air conditioning system of your car, in due course. The accumulation of these elements can create a breeding ground for bacteria and it will ultimately start to smell odd. So, make sure to keep it clean always. If you feel a weird smell coming out from the car AC system, hire an expert vehicle air conditioning repair Huntington Beach technician to diagnose and fix the issues.